Animation sneak peek #1

Published: Aug 13, 2021   -   2 years ago
Now you might need some information about the upcoming video, my estimate is that it could probably be about 8 minutes in length, and come in a months time. In the meanwhile, I might upload a few short announcement videos in the meantime while I complete this animation. And in my opinion, I think it's even better then my autism video. I have a few jsfl java script files to make the animation more clearer and smoother, I know how to convert my animation into symbols so I don't have to draw the same frames over and over again, and finally, I have a built-in lip sync picker, which automatically fills in the lip sync! I can work much faster then just manually copy and pasting over and over again. Anyway, I might release more sneak peeks and announcements whenever I can, so cya later! :D
Stats: 0.2 seconds,   1 frames,   60 KB
Comments (2)
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2 years ago
i do like your videos! and you are a good animator. i also care about when you upload because i wanna watch your animations :)
2 years ago
I have a few questions, do you really like and enjoy my videos? Am I a good animator? And second question, do you really care about when I upload, or post a new animation video? Are you more of a quantity or a quality person? You don't have to answer :]