read description and plEASE DON’T ATTACK ME

Published: Feb 8, 2020   -   4 years ago
I don’t like drama. It happens all the time at my school when someone accidentally says someone else is fat and they get in a big fight because of a stupid mistake, and blah blah blah. This is where I go to get away from all that drama. But now it’s happening here? Just stop being rude to each other, either don’t comment on each other’s posts, and if you don’t have anything nice to say, DON’T SAY IT. I’M SICK OF DRAMA. Please stop, and either of you, don’t comment like ‘oh he started it’ ‘he called me a mean thing first’ because I don’t want to hear it. I want to hear what happened, and why you are still fighting.
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4 years ago
dude i cursed on your christian minecraft server and you got all pissy lmao
4 years ago
it started with me on theo's discord then we got in a fight cause i was being a butt face to kittu and grem i was having a bad day and i took my anger out for no reason on all of them then i took it overboard like the psycho i am and told theo to kill himself then that was over then i started more drama because i was annoyed at keri for saying shading with black is begginer mistake and i took it overboard again and took it the wrong way so then i started being a jerk to everyone so thats that