Published: Jan 16, 2020   -   4 years ago
hec if this is a scam im bad at ajpw worth but heres a list of every item i own green aura stone crown x2, green phantom balloon x2, double eagle necklace, holly wreath tiara, icicle spiked collar, red deer fur, purple and blue red panda tail, blue ducky hat, pink ducky hat, frozen bow and arrows, grasshopper helmet, ant helmet, carrot spike mohawk, elephant mask, tool belt, spring antlers, werewolf tail, pancake hat, bone claws, head feather, feather mask, rare ranger helmet, turntable hat, rare firefly friend x2, yellow spiked collar, freedom spiked collar, jammaladay spiked collar, purple spiked collar, mummy flip flops, mummy body wrap, mummy scarf, mummy glasses, mummy top hat, phantom tail spikes, phantom goop gauntlets, phantom electricity, phantom spiked collar, phantom tentacle hair, phantom flight leg bands, phantom flight jet pack, phantom flight headgear, mummy tail, mummy gloves, mummy mask, genie shoes, genie vest, genie hat, proto-phantom necklace, phantom mask, phantom bracelet, phantom sword, phantom shield, double skunk tail, haunted mira mask, black spiked collar, purple island tiki spiked collar, red island tiki spiked collar, purple island tiki spiked collar, yellow island tii spiked collar, blue island tiki spiked collar, obsidian wings, green spiked collar, cougar mittens, spiderweb cape, golden reindeer hooves, penguin flippers, hyenea floppy hat, spider web hair, silk scarf, rare cat ushanka hat, frozen phantom necklace, poodle skirt, meerkat slippers, heroic heart set, dainty heart set, cotton candy hairdo, moose anter helmet, striped gloves, feather hat, moose anter glasses, rare princess necklace, red panda hat, snowflake earmuffs, guitar, eagle feather arm band, pink spiked collar, hummingbird wings, bald eagle set, golden eagle set, cougar headband, magicians cape, magicians wand, green cowboy hat, black cougar headband, striped boots, cougar backpack, yarn tail, frilly dress, frilly slippers, mistletoe necklace, frilly hat, fluffy tail, fluffy boots, heavy coat, fluffy collar, hat with bells x2, elf armor boots, sled slippers, magicians hat, blue sparkly head bow, blue deer fur, zios armor, blue spiked wristband, rare bonetail, holly tail ornaments, holly tail, striped boots, rare iceberg hat, diamond glasses, gumdrop tail, heavy coat, fluffy boots, fluffy tail, sunshine necklace, snow punk collar, spring antlers, candy cane spikes, cowboy hat (white), shadow set, taffy tail, rock candy boots, salt water taffy bow tie, lollipop helmet, gummy worm wings, jamaaliday gift necklace, gnome hat and beard, penguin flippers, red deer antler x2, princess set, botanical set, yarn wig, acorn shoes, green spiked wristband, pink spiked wristband, rollar skates, pink spiked collar, guitar, play wild backpack, angerfish hat, flower crown, heart necklace, maple leaf shoes, brown deer antlers, pink head feather, pom pom earings, zios amulet, black flame tipped wings, feathered boots, black cat ears, cloud shoes, astronaut backpack, lava rock helmet, rare turtle shell, lava rock amulet, rare firefly friend, green racoon tail, flowering vine amulet, mira wings, green spiked collar, shadow tail armor, proto phantom mask, mira arm bands, red cowboy hat, panda power backpack, fancy top hat, round glasses. dang that took a while, if you like any of these items, need a color variation, or are looking for some den items, please tell me, if you wnat any items we can discuss trade :3
Stats: 4 seconds,   2 frames,   646 bytes
Comments (5)
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4 years ago
I'm not going to look for it, but what spikes do u have? I have a few, I'll list them later
4 years ago
also draw chat room - https://draw.chat/B1C7DDD5F2B544B92AA:08zj8rm5#p1,0,0,r0,s1
4 years ago
should i start animal jam?
4 years ago
4 years ago
you are very talented