Ok desc

Published: May 10, 2020   -   3 years ago
@voxman so I added a nose and took away the bo0bs bc they did look weird but i do suggest that if u want to give advice you didn’t really need to add all this “omg I can’t even” bc that wan’t very necessary, people might listen more if it was nicer? But idk if I should do anything else I am not changing the face bc I personally like it I do understand that it’s kinda confusing but it is what it is. If you’d like to give more criticism please be nicer about it that’s all I ask bc I think your a talented artist and all and idk if ur upset or something but just be nicer and more people would listen to you. Thanks if u understand sorry if I came off rude i’m not trying to so I apologize if I do ;w;. Thank you for ur time :) ~kittu
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